Tag Archives: featured

Liber Sphaerae

Liber Sphaerae is now available from Amazon. I began writing about two years ago during the first, serious lockdown, the one where the planes stopped flying and motorways were completely clear of cars. It grew indirectly out of my study of Renaissance Tarot as I tried to immerse myself in…

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Liber Sphaerae

I will be 71 in a couple of weeks. Growing old focuses the mind on how little time remains. There are many nails I could hit with my hammer, but I can choose only one or two and then it is Game Over. For this reason I have set aside…

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Le Chateau du Tarot

I have a keen interest in the history of Tarot, so I was intrigued to see that Dior has substituted its normal Haute Couture Spring/Summer show with a short film based on the imagery of the c.1460 Visconte-Sforza Tarots. Dreamy (=slow), pretentious, gothic, gorgeous, this is a very expensive way…

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The Zohar

When I was motorcycling in Northern Spain I took a day out to visit Leon. I saw it on the map and thought “R. Moses de Leon”, and not having much internet at the time, I did not think to investigate further. I would have been better going to Ávila,…

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I have spent several years working on a book about the Hermetic Kabbalah. I am very pleased to say it is now available through Amazon in the USA and in the EU. It is a large book of 464 pages and over 60 illustrations, and not only covers many aspects…

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The Four Zoas

Tarot card ‘the World’, Marseille Tarot est. 17th. century. Phanes, Orphic/Mithraic plaque, Modena 12th. century ivory tetramorph design, Cluny Tetramorph illustration Seventh century tetramorph design, Crypte Saint-Paul, Place Saint-Paul, Jouarre, France Four Mighty Ones are in every Man: a perfect Unity Cannot exist but from the Universal Brotherhood of Eden,…

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Welcome, and Whats-Up

Welcome to this new blog. It is part of the Hermetic Kabbalah site at digital-brilliance.com.  For the past five years I have been preparing a book, and consequently the site is not updated as much as I would like (apart from Don Karr, who updates his many contributions regularly). I hope…

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